The Lord Will Complete the Work He Started in You

Sometimes it’s not about doing it big, but about taking small, meaningful steps in the right direction. Sometimes we don’t always know where to start, or even have everything that we need. But when you walk in purpose and God is by your side, God delights to see the work begin.
After all, He says it’s “not by force, nor by strength, but by MY Spirit.” – Zechariah 4:6 (aka you ain’t even doing anything anyway‘) you’re just the vessel, so just START and let GOD do what He needs to do.
Nothing will come before what God has commissioned you to do. Remember He also states “What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain” – Zechariah 4:7 meaning, no matter what mountain, opposition, or distraction, He will bulldoze it down to see that what He started in you is completed. Nothing is too big for Him, so do The Work.
The Lord will complete the work He started in you.